Stop Starry Stonewort Program

Welcome to the Stop Starry Program. Since it was first found in Lake Koronis 2015, Nitellopsis obtusa (Starry Stonewort) has spread to 30 lakes across the state. Minnesota Lakes and Rivers has been working since the beginning of its invasion to provide Minnesotans with the tools and resources necessary to STOP THE SPREAD of this highly invasive macroalgae.

View and Download – Stop Starry Stonewort Poster

The Stop Starry Stonewort Program promotes a civic pride around preserving water quality by encouraging boaters to CLEAN, DRAIN, and DRY their boats and equipment after use.

What is Starry Stonewort?

This invasive macro-algae can reach depths up to 25 feet, growing from the lake or river substrate to its surface.

Starry Stonewort, native to Europe and Asia, has made its way to our waters, forming dense mats that can reach up to 25 feet deep. Its long, slender green branches create a star-like pattern, which is how it got its name. This invasive species also produces small star-shaped bulbils that facilitate its spread. Unfortunately, Starry Stonewort outcompetes native plants, quickly forming dense monocultures. This reduces biodiversity and increases the financial pressures of controlling aquatic invasive species.

Why should you care?

Starry Stonewort thrives in shallow lakes and rivers with lots of boater traffic, impacting both our local ecosystems and recreational activities. Since only the male Starry Stonewort has been found in North America, it spreads through human activities, especially at public access points.

Minnesota Lakes and Rivers Advocates knows that the best way to manage starry stonewort is to STOP it from spreading in the first place.

What can we do?

Boaters play a crucial role in preventing the spread of Starry Stonewort. Our Stop Starry Program provides free, easy-to-access cleaning tools at key lake access points. With funding from the Environmental and Natural Resource Trust Fund, we’ve installed complimentary CD3 cleaning stations at infested lakes. 

Through a discussion-based civic organizing process, MLR collaborates with lake associations, county officials, and state and federal government agencies to tackle this issue. By working together, we can find effective solutions and prevent the spread of Starry Stonewort.

CD3 Systems are free-to-use and available 24/7 to the public. 

Click here for more detailed location information

Research by Cornell University, Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center (MAISRC), and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has discovered that 90% of boaters know the risks of transporting aquatic invasive species, believe it to be a problem, and know the steps they need to fully take to CLEAN, DRAIN, and DRY; still, most do not take all of the steps necessary. The reason they give is a lack of equipment where/when they need it.

By placing CD3 Systems conveniently offshore contaminated waters, Minnesota Lakes and Rivers Advocates encourages a civic pride surrounding water preservation.

Minnesota Lakes and Rivers Advocates uses a discussion-based approach to organizing outreach efforts, and is hosting discussions for community members in affected areas. If you are a concerned citizen, lake association member, or are otherwise affected by starry stonewort in your community, please contact our Director – to volunteer with our program and find out how you can help STOP STARRY STONEWORT.