the job of supervising or taking care of something, such as an organization or property.
“responsible stewardship of our public lands”
The land closest to the water has the greatest impact on our lakes, yet many lakeshore homeowners are unaware of how their choices affect water quality, wildlife, and our lake heritage.The Lake Steward Program empowers homeowners to evaluate their practices and take incremental steps to protect our waterways for generations to come. Through this neighbor-to-neighbor interactive initiative, we’re fostering commitment and pride in the natural beauty of shorelines that absorb runoff, stabilize soil, and provide essential habitat for Minnesota’s treasured wildlife.
Explore resources, guides, and expert tips!
Explore the 10 Tips to Lake Stewardship by Minnesota Lakes and River Advocates to kickstart your journey toward becoming a dedicated steward of our precious lakes.
Purchase the Shoreland Guide to Lake Stewardship to discover effective steps you can take to restore your shoreline. This guide offers tips that can filter up to 90% of runoff, helping to protect the health of our lakes!
Watch the Lake Steward Webinar to explore the critical issue of Minnesota’s vanishing natural shorelines and hear inspiring stories from diverse perspectives within the Lake Steward community.
Project Planning – How-to Seed and Plant your project Watch this informative DIY video from Minnesota Native Landscapes to help you get started with restoring your shoreline.
Shoreline Landscaping and Restoration:
What to ask your lakeshore landscape contractor: Key questions to ensure your contractor follows best practices for shoreline restoration.
Native Plants for Shoreline: A guide to selecting the right native plants to support shoreline health.
How to Seed and Plant: A DIY from Minnesota Native Landscapes on seeding and planting with a natural erosion control
Minnesota Native Plant Encyclopedia: A resource for identifying native plant species suited to different environments.
MN DNR Restore Your Shore Page: A comprehensive guide on how to restore and maintain natural shorelines.
Permits and Funding:
Do I Need a Permit?: Information on when a permit is required for shoreline or water-related projects in Minnesota.
BWSR Climate Resiliency – Identifying Programs and Funding
Shoreline and Climate Concerns:
Minnesota’s Vanishing Shorelines: Addressing the challenges of eroding shorelines and the importance of restoration.
Climate trends affecting lakes and rivers : Understanding how climate change impacts water levels, temperatures, and ecosystem health.
Water Quality and Health:
Watershed Health Assessment: Evaluating the health of watersheds that contribute to the overall health of lakes and rivers.
Minnesota MPCA impaired waters map: A tool to identify bodies of water that are classified as impaired by pollution or other issues by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.
Lake Steward Awards

After a shoreline has been restored to a healthy, natural state with native plants and habitats, property owners are proudly awarded a “Lake Steward” sign, with Minnesota Lakes and Rivers Advocates covering half the cost of the sign.
The Lake Steward sign serves as a badge of honor for lakeshore property owners, symbolizing their dedication to protecting Minnesota’s lakes. It reflects their personal commitment to the environment and celebrates their efforts to restore and preserve the natural beauty and health of our shared water resources for future generations
Start A Lake Steward Program on Your Lake!
The Lake Steward Program is open to all Minnesota Lake Associations that are current members of Minnesota Lakes and Rivers Advocates (MLR).
The Lake Steward Program empowers Lake Associations to achieve their Shoreline Protection Goals. Volunteers will participate in a brief training session with our Lake Steward Coordinator, gaining access to our evaluation tool and the essential skills needed to conduct a shoreline evaluation.
If your Lake Association is interested in participating in the Lake Steward Program, please contact Lily Carr at lily@mnlakesandrivers.org.

Lake Stewards In the News
Native and Natural Bus Tour – Celebrating Lake Steward Success
- Unchecked development, lax regulation push Minnesota lakeshores to the edge
- ‘Quit mowing’: Turning Minnesota lake homeowners into shoreline stewards, one lawn at a time
- In NW Wisconsin, a county finds paying homeowners to keep shorelines natural pays off
- 10 key data points and graphs about loss of shoreline on Minnesota’s lakes
- On Cross Lake, loons make the case for protecting Minnesota’s wild shores
Douglas County – State of Our Lakes 2024
State of Water: How suburban home aesthetics are scarring Minnesota shorelines