Stop Starry

Starry stonewort (Nitellopsis obtusa), an invasive macroalgae native to Europe and Asia, poses a significant threat to Minnesota’s lakes. Since its discovery in 2015, starry stonewort has spread to 30 lakes. It is the deepest-growing, control resistant aquatic invasive species in the state. It has the potential to reduce native plant biodiversity, disrupting fish spawning, and invade wild rice beds.

The Stop Starry Program addresses this issue by equipping citizens and counties with the tools and resources necessary to combat the spread of this invasive species, ensuring the preservation of Minnesota’s lake ecosystems.

90% of boaters know the risks and steps to CLEAN, DRAIN, and DRY,
…but most don’t fully comply due to a lack of equipment

24/7 Free-to-Use CD3 Cleaning Systems

CD3 stations provide around-the-clock access for boaters, ensuring continuous AIS prevention efforts. Their solar-powered operation allows them to function effectively even at remote access site Research shows that vacuum tools and high-pressure air hoses in CD3 systems are among the most effective methods for removing all types of AIS, including microphytes, plants, and algae

CD3 Quick Start Guide

Find a CD3 Near You

Interested in learning how to secure a CD3 watercraft cleaning station for your local area?

Reach out to us with your lake information and access sites (you can use LakeFinder)

Jeff Forester>
Sami Selter>

Civic Partnerships Are Key to Prevention

MLR works with lake associations, county officials, and government agencies through a discussion-based civic organizing process to address Starry Stonewort. We seek effective solutions and prevention strategies by engaging with affected communities. If you’re a concerned citizen or lake association member, contact our Director at to volunteer and learn how you can help stop Starry Stonewort.


Download and Share the Stop Starry Factsheet!
Examples of New Infestation Rapid Response Plans (NIRRPS)
AIS Explorer Tool

Check your lake’s starry stonewort risk


Funding for the Stop Starry Program comes from the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources through allocations from the Environmental and Natural Resource Trust Fund.