In The News

“Adopt a harbor” program launches on Leech Lake

Lake advocates working with resorts to prevent starry stonewort spread. An important aspect of dealing with aquatic invasive species is monitoring their prevalence or absence in as many lakes and streams as possible.  In the summer of 2022 two volunteers and the Cass County AIS technician took on that task: sampling nearly 40 resort harbors… Read more »

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Contributions to MLR Do Not Affect a Lake Association’s Charitable Exemption

by John James, former Commissioner of MN Department of Revenue A concern has arisen about whether joining and contributing to Minnesota Lakes and Rivers Advocates would put a lake association which is a tax exempt charitable organization under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) at risk of losing its tax exemption because MLR engages in lobbying.… Read more »

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Focus on a Minnesota Lakes And Rivers Advocate – Sheila Johnston – The Loon Lady

I first met Sheila Johnston, from the Gull Chain of Lakes Association, at Minnesota Lakes and Rivers 2016 Aquatic Invaders Summit. She joined MLR at that time and has been an active member since then. We see each other at many lake related events, like the Harvest Supper in Brainerd, MLR Annual Water Connects Us… Read more »

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Former Minnesota Governor Launches Series of Water Forums

Detailing Threats to Minnesota WaterArne Carlson says threat is real and time is no longer an ally.“Change is coming much faster than anyone anticipated” NEWS RELEASEFor Immediate ReleaseJuly 1, 2023 Former Minnesota Governor Launches Series of Forums Detailing Threats to Minnesota WaterArne Carlson says threat is real and time is no longer an ally.“Change is… Read more »

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Second CD3 Station on Cedar Lake Provides the Tools Boaters Need to Clean, Drain and Dry, and help prevent the spread of Aquatic Invasive Species

by David Glass, President of the Cedar Lake Conservation Club, May 30, 2023. The Cedar Lake Conservation Club (CLCC) and the Wright Soil and Water Conservation District (WSWCD) are pleased to announce the addition of a second CD3 (clean, drain, dry, dispose) station on Cedar Lake in Wright County. A CD3 station is a solar… Read more »

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2023 Legislative Outcomes – Remarkable Progress

2023 Legislative Outcomes – Gains Made in Advancing Clean Water and Property Tax Relief on Shorelands St. Paul, 6:30 PM, May 18th, 2023 – Minnesota Lakes and Rivers Advocates’ (MLR) professional lobbying and the grassroots advocacy of lake associations and MLR members combined to promote passage of the sweeping 450 page Environment and Natural Resources… Read more »

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Early Detection of Aquatic Invasive Species Provides Profound Results and Good Return on Investment

Washburn Lake Eradicates Eurasian Watermilfoil (mostly) In about 2007, I received a call from Ted Johnson, the President of the Lake Washburn Association, LWA about Aquatic Invasive Species. Ted was concerned that Lake Washburn was susceptible to AIS following the construction of a MN DNR water access site. I could offer little comfort. This was… Read more »

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